Can you create a set of maths problems for a mini hockey game?
This experiment gives children an opportunity to practise creating and solving maths problems in a fun way.
The child will learn how to play a new indoor game and improve their maths skills.
You need the as many questions as there are bottle tops. Make sure all the questions have different answers.
The tape lets you reuse the lids for different sets of questions.
Ask an adult to help you with this.
Players take turns to play. The referee reads out a question and the player must try to score a goal with the plastic lid that has the right answer.
You score a point if you score a goal with the correct lid and lose a point if you score a goal with the wrong lid.
You could make it harder to score a goal by making the goal smaller or by shooting from further away.
Alternatively, you could make the questions more difficult.
Create some other sets of questions you can use to play the game.
You could create a sets of related questions: one for fractions, one for time problems, and so on.